5 Invisalign Tips That Will Ensure You Get the Best Results
You can make a day perfect not just for yourself but even for those around you. Want to know how? Keep smiling! This is the mantra which you are looking for. Not everyone is lucky to have a perfect smile. Most people suffer from this problem of having crooked teeth. Now you can get the perfect smile with the help of Invisalign. Do not believe it? Following you will find 5 Invisalign tips that will ensure you get the best smile.
Stick to water: Do you want to save your Invisalign from stains? If yes, then sticking to water for drinking would be the best idea because other things such as coffee, tea, etc. leave a stain on your Invisalign. You would not like to have a stain on your Invisalign.
Wear the aligners at least 22 hours/day: Invisalign can be removed, but that does not mean that you do not wear theme. To get good results, you need to wear them at least 22 hours a day. You can remove them only when you are eating food after that you need to wear them again.
Floss daily: When you are using Invisalign then one thing you should keep in mind that your teeth should always be clean; otherwise you would be in a big problem. Food stays for a long time in the tooth; it creates a cavity and other oral problems.
Know how to clean your aligner: Do not use any product without consulting your dentist or orthodontist because other products may damage your Invisalign.
Consider a whitening toothpaste: It can be seen that whitening toothpaste is a better option for your teeth while using Invisalign because after you clean your teeth, you will wear the aligner for the whole day which gives good result.
Final thoughts
Getting an Invisalign is easy but to wear them for more than 22 hours is quite hard for many people, which is why people feel unsatisfied even after getting one. You need to give updates, so your dentist can help you out where you are facing problems. If you are looking for a good dental clinic, then contact Hudson Family Dental for the best advice.