Benefits of Using a Laser for A Frenectomy

Benefits of Using a Laser for A Frenectomy

Jan 01, 2023

What Is a Frenectomy? 

It is a minimal surgical procedure for treating tongue-tie, particularly in young children. It is also called a frenulectomy. The surgery focuses on a problematic frenulum, a connective tissue that controls tongue movements.

What Causes a Tight Frenulum? 

Dentists have not found a specific factor that causes tight frenulum. Since the cause of the short lingual frenulum is unknown, dental experts link it to factors like:

  • Genetics
  • Birth defects

Why Is a Frenectomy Necessary? 

The frenulum is typically the soft fold underneath the tongue that prevents it from moving too far. It can also describe the tissue that connects the upper tip to the jaw.

When the frenulum is too tight, it is called ankyloglossia, or tongue tie. It can also lead to lip adhesion. These conditions can cause various dental problems. The common ones are:

  • Speech difficulty
  • Problematic dental development
  • Difficulty breastfeeding
  • Abnormal jaw growth
  • Mouth breathing and irregular airway development
  • Problematic swallowing
  • Heightened risk of gum disease
  • Gum recession – adults with a tight frenulum can suffer gum recession as the frenulum pulls the gums away from teeth. With gum recession comes other oral problems like gingival embrasures, exposed tooth roots, and weak and shaky teeth.

What Happens During a Frenectomy? 

Your dentist must first determine the problematic frenulum before starting treatment. Afterward, the dentist will have you lie on your back steadily. The process entails snipping the frenum, usually with a scale or laser. For simple Frenectomy procedures, you can go home after the two-minute-long snipping. However, in some cases, the dentist may need to suture the gums to foster speedy healing by preventing excessive bleeding. If suturing is part of your treatment, the procedure may prolong to about 15 minutes.

Why Do Dentists Use Lasers for Frenectomy? 

At Hudson Family Dental, we prefer using lasers for our surgical procedures as alternatives to traditional tools like scalpels. Some of the reasons we use lasers for correcting frenulum-related problems are:

  • Quick treatment – lasers perform treatments quicker than traditional tools. For a frenectomy, it can take a minute or two to complete.
  • Less invasive procedure – Frenectomy treatments are generally not very invasive. The reason is that a Frenectomy is a minor surgical procedure. However, lasers reduce the invasion even further. Ultimately, there is no need for sutures, general anesthesia, or sedation when performing frenectomy with lasers.
  • Minimal pain – lasers accord more precision than traditional teeth. Besides, a frenectomy is quick and minimally invasive using lasers. Therefore, patients experience little to no pain or discomfort during the treatment.
  • Minimal chance for re-attachment – union city dentists has found that frenectomy treatments that employ laser dentistry have a very low chance of re-attaching after healing.
  • Little to no downtime – dentists encourage children to resume breastfeeding immediately after a laser frenectomy. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much that your child will starve after a frenectomy.

Frenectomy Recovery 

Children recover quicker after frenectomy procedures than adults. Usually, infants can resume breastfeeding immediately after their treatment. However, adults may need a lot longer, about a week. However, you may recover quickly and resume normal activities within a day or two after your treatment if your dentist used a laser. Some tips to help you transition smoothly into your normal routine during recovery are:

  • Limit the foods you eat during the first three days of recovery. Your dentist may recommend fluids and soft foods like smoothies. The goal is to avoid getting food particles trapped in the affected area, which could risk infection.
  • Take oral antibiotics – your dentist may prescribe some antibiotics to counter any infection before it happens.
  • Keep the area clean – plaque buildup always leads to oral infections. Therefore, rinse your mouth with salt water or a prescribed mouthwash that will keep the site clean as it heals.
  • Avoid hard, spicy, and savory foods – they may irritate your mouth, causing unnecessary discomfort.
  • Keep your tongue away from the site until you have healed well – you risk dislodging the scar tissue that starts forming when you heal.

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