Life After Dental Bonding Procedure

Life After Dental Bonding Procedure

Jun 01, 2020

Dental bonding is a popular procedure used in cosmetic dentistry to repair teeth. the idea of having a completely fresh look because of the changes in your smile can get in your head making your forget hat is important. The day of the procedure is certainly something to delight in. However, that is not the last of your concern. The only way to wear your smile boldly is by well managing the results you get afterward. Read on to learn more about dental bonding procedures and life after it.

What Is Dental Bonding?

It is an oral procedure where a putty-like tooth-colored resin material is applied to teeth to alter the appearance of teeth. The resin material is hardened to bond to the teeth, making the necessary changes desired in each tooth. This cosmetic procedure has popularly been used to treat oral problems like:

  1. Discoloration of teeth
  2. Cracked and chipped teeth
  3. Broken teeth
  4. Closing gaps between teeth
  5. Crocked teeth
  6. Unusually shaped teeth, to mention a few

All these oral problems have an aesthetic effect on how teeth look. It is why dental bonding is a procedure mainly used for cosmic dentistry. However, the same bonding technique can be used when attaching other oral appliances on teeth for restorative dentistry. A great example is when the bonding process is used to attach a dental crown to a tooth.

The Dental Bonding Procedure in Details

Much as the oral bonding procedure is versatile for use in dentistry, its procedure is not as complicated. If anything, it is among the simplest procedures there are in cosmetic dentistry. The procedure in details occurs in the following steps:

  1. Preparation – this process does not require a lot of preparation. Your dentist will only examine the state of your teeth to determine how much resin material is needed. More to that, this stage is necessary for picking out the resin color that closest matches that of your natural teeth. For the process, no local anesthesia is needed, since the procedure is painless.
  2. Roughening the tooth – after the preparation, your tooth is roughened using a conditioning liquid. The purpose of this step is to make it easy for the resin material to properly bond to your natural teeth, without slipping off.
  3. Bonding process – once the tooth is prepped, the putty-like resin material is then applied to the target tooth. The material is then shaped and molded to the desired shape. After that, a special light is used to cure the resin, hardening it.
  4. Further shaping – if this step is necessary, the dentist will trim the excess of the hardened resin. The step will also involve polishing the tooth to create the final shine, like the sheen of a natural tooth.

Before and After Treatment

After your procedure, you will immediately notice a difference with your smile. The important thing is to ensure the state of your gums is still intact, to prevent any damage if the bonding material accidentally got to it. Other than that, you can start enjoying your results immediately.

That said, as you determine to book an appointment with us for a bonding procedure, understand that you have to be careful how you manage your results. With all the benefits of the bonding procedure, there are some flaws, including the following:

  1. They stain easily, as compared to dental crowns
  2. They are not as durable as other tooth restorative appliances
  3. They can break and chip easily

These reasons are why your dentist will advise you about the importance of taking care of your teeth after your procedure. If anything, exercise the most care when you eat.

Eating with Bonded Teeth

Bonded teeth do not necessarily require special care. However, you have to be careful when eating, to preserve your amazing results as long as possible. Some of the tips to observe include:

  1. Avoiding biting fingernails or chewing on pen lids
  2. Avoid cracking hard foods like ice cubes and nuts.
  3. Avoid opening bottle tops with your mouth
  4. Brush your teeth after every meal – at least be sure to brush your teeth twice every day.

If possible, avoid heavily pigmented foods like red wine and coffee.

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