Tricks To Fight Sugar Cravings For A Healthy Smile

Tricks To Fight Sugar Cravings For A Healthy Smile

Nov 08, 2021

A healthy smile is the product of a healthy, perfect white set of teeth. An ideal set of teeth is devoid of tooth defects or dental irregularities due to improper care of the teeth, bad oral habits, injuries/accidents, etc. A healthy smile helps to boost your confidence and self-esteem, it beautifies your face, and it can brighten up someone else’s day. These are a few reasons why you must keep a healthy smile.

However, dental diseases and infections can lead to dental defects, which can damage your teeth and destroy your healthy smile. These defects can make your face lose its aesthetic value, lower your self-esteem and confidence, and can even make looking at your teeth irritate people around you. In addition, these defects can expose you to the risks of having medical and oral health conditions.

Sugary and starchy food particles are significant elements in the process of tooth decay. Tooth decay starts as a result of the infestation of the mouth with dental plaques. Dental plaques are formed when there is an interaction between the bacteria in the mouth, saliva, and sugary/starchy food particles. These plaques are slimy films of bacteria that stick to the surface of the teeth. They then feed on these sugary food particles to produce acids that eat away at the tooth enamel, causing decay.

While good oral hygiene habits like regular and proper brushing and flossing of the teeth try to rid the mouth of agents of dental plaque, they cannot get rid of all the sugary food particles in the mouth. Also, regular dental cleanings with a dentist near you can help to reduce the presence of plaques in the mouth. The absence of many sugary food particles in the mouth will make it harder for dental plaques to form. Therefore, the intake of sugary foods should be reduced, and cravings for sugary things should be suppressed. How can this be achieved?

Why Do We Crave Sugar?

Research has revealed that sugar has a similar effect on the brain to that of an addictive drug. Removing sugar from your diet can cause withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, depression, headache, etc.

Sugar cravings can result from a deficiency of some nutrients like magnesium, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, most times, your sugar cravings stem from an imbalance in your blood sugar. When there is an intake of sugar into the body, the blood sugar rises, and the body quickly releases insulin to lower it to a safer level. Sometimes, the insulin might bring your blood sugar level a little too low than expected. Your body then craves sugary foods to raise the sugar level.

Sugar cravings, sometimes, might be a result of habits. Being used to so much sugar or sugary foods will have you reaching for sugar even without craving it. Another reason you crave sugar is because of your brain activity. This is a result of your lifestyle. When you are stressed, your body is flooded with a hormone known as cortisol, which releases glucose from the liver, causing the blood sugar to rise. Since fluctuations in blood sugar cause cravings for sugary foods, being constantly stressed can help indulge that craving. Other bad lifestyle habits and conditions like poor sleep, depression, etc., cause excess eating and increased intake of sugar to give the energy to combat fatigue.

How To Stop Sugar Cravings: 8 Tips To Use Right Now

The following tips can help you to control or stop your constant sugar cravings.

  1. Stay hydrated. Drinking water when you feel thirsty can help to alleviate sugar cravings. When a lot of people feel thirsty, they misinterpret that as a sign of hunger. However, drinking more water and staying hydrated can help to suppress your sugar cravings.
  2. Start your day with a solid protein-filled breakfast. Breakfast with a lot of protein can help to reduce your cravings for sugar. The less sugar taken in the morning, the more balanced you are.
  3. Avoid stress-eating. Whenever you feel stressed, take a break from whatever you are doing and try to rest. Resting will help to suppress the cravings for sugar to give you energy.
  4. Stop bad lifestyle habits. Not getting enough sleep can cause excess eating. Therefore, try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.
  5. Do not starve yourself. Starving yourself in between meals can cause you to crave sugar to balance your blood sugar. Therefore, do not starve yourself.
  6. Eat fruits instead. Eat more fruits when you crave sugar or sugary things.
  7. Chew gum because it can help in suppressing your cravings.
  8. Distract yourself. Try to do things that will take your mind off sugar when you have cravings. Take a walk, read a book, etc.

Does Seeing A Dentist Regularly Near You Help?

Regular visits to the dental office in union city, NJ to see a general dentist in union city, NJ can help you discuss ways of alleviating your cravings for sugar. In addition, you can discuss your fears of tooth decay and have dental cleanings that help to eradicate plaques and their causal agents.

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